TENTHIRTY FILMS is a Detroit-based, boutique wedding film company focused on telling emotive and inspiring love stories that are each as unique as the couples they are about. We believe an exceptional wedding film can not only transport a couple back to their wedding, but act as an heirloom that will help their love endure.
When I was a kid, my dad, John, was killed in a car accident on October 30th. Keep going. I promise there’s a happy ending...
Decades later, I found myself engaged to the woman who is now my wife. We wanted a fall wedding, and we knew where we wanted to get married. There was just one problem: it was only available on 10/30.
After some thought, we decided to take a sad day and make it a happy one. I have no doubt my dad would’ve approved of the date, and the woman I married.
So, “TENTHIRTY” means a lot of things to me now, but mainly, it’s a reminder that while we can’t always choose our circumstances, we can choose how we respond. I choose love.
TENTHIRTY FILMS is a way for me to honor my dad’s memory by freezing my clients in time on the best day of their lives—and not just for them—but for everyone who ever has or ever will love them.