Elegant Gatsby Wedding Inspiration at Cairnwood Estate
F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that "life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall" and while I perfectly agree, I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer just yet. Lucky for us, we have this Fitzgerald-inspired shoot by Ashley Bartoletti, bursting with beautiful blooms in rich purples and pinks. Capturing the whimsy of Gatsby, with a refined color palette and a touch of metallic, we get to indulge in a bit of 1920's #tbt a day early - see every rose, sparkle and festive cocktail in the Vault right this way!
From Ashley Bartoletti... A 1920's/Gatsby styled shoot at a historic estate in the Philadelphia suburbs. This shoot features a gorgeous metallic color scheme with accents of black and jewel tones, lush, whimsical florals, vintage plates and tableware, and art deco inspired paper goods - with a cake to match.