Sweet Engagement Shoot from Leo Timoshuck
I do adore a good love story. With all the right pieces. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl don't realize how perfect they are for each other until years after they met and become friends. Boy and girl fall in love, boy proposes, and boy and girl call Leo Timoshuck to shoot the prettiest engagement session, complete with puppy. It's the classic love story, and I fall for it every time. And, if you can believe it, this is just the tip of the pretty iceberg. There is a whole gallery waiting right here with so much more.
From the bride to be ... I met my future husband when I was just seven years old. That's right. The man of my dreams and my best friend today, walked into my life when I was the ripe old age of seven. He was 12 at the time, and while I did not recognize just how special he would be, my older brother somehow did. They quickly became best friends, and I was the annoying little sister. Three years after that Brian moved across the country to Colorado, and out of my life. Luckily, my brother and Brian stayed close, even rooming together for four years in college.
It wasn't until 16 years after our first meeting that Brian and I would again take notice of each other. While living in the same city we hit it off as friends and soon realized just how similar we were. Hang out nights turned to date nights and within nine months we were moving across the country together. Throughout the three and a half years of our relationship we have lived in several different cities together, experiencing the joys and hardships of life, always leaning on each other for a good laugh or cry. Today, Brian has two best friends, the friend of almost 20 years, and his annoying little sister that luckily turned out to be the love of his life as well.
Brian told me he was going to marry me two months into our relationship. It was before we had said I love you, and I was just dying to tell him. One night we were lying in bed and he leaned over and said, "I'm going to marry you one day." I have no idea what I said to him, but I know the next night I decided it was more than ok to tell him I loved him, so I said the "L" word first, knowing that he was the one.
The proposal was sweet. At home, very quiet, very us. Brian walked in with two wrapped gifts and told me someone had left them downstairs for me. I hesitantly opened the first, only to see the wedding magazine, "The Knot." At seeing that, I froze and internally totally panicked. The back story to this was that I had secretly gone onto The Knot weeks prior to this and registered for an account, putting in a fake wedding date. So, when I opened this gift, I thought they were sending me a free magazine, and I panicked thinking this would scare Brian! After several times of him asking me what it was, and me awkwardly trying to pretend I didn't know what it was, Brian said, "Jen, it's the wedding magazine" and then slowly proceeded to pull out a large box and open it to a beautiful diamond ring. I was in such shock that I just kept asking if it was real and if it was really happening.
After that I proclaimed that we needed to celebrate and Brian agreed, noting that we should call our families first. When I called my family their first question was, "How did he do it?" and my answer was to look at the phone with a blank stare, asking Brian to tell the story. I had apparently partially blacked out on the details of what exactly he had said! Luckily Brian remembered. We topped the night off with more phone calls and drinks with a few great friends.
The one thing we love most about each other is that we make each other laugh. We're dorks in our own sense and we have a variety of nerdy inside jokes, words and expressions that can always put a smile on the other's face.
Photographer: Leo Timoshuk | Engagement ring: Demarco | Bracelets: Alex and Ani | Necklace: J.Crew | Boots: Frye | Heals: Ann Taylor | Black & White pants + grey top: J.Crew | Pillows, mercury glass candle & chalk sign: Paper Source | Red Notebook: DIY | Other notebooks: Kate Spade | Blanket: Target
It wasn't until 16 years after our first meeting that Brian and I would again take notice of each other. While living in the same city we hit it off as friends and soon realized just how similar we were. Hang out nights turned to date nights and within nine months we were moving across the country together. Throughout the three and a half years of our relationship we have lived in several different cities together, experiencing the joys and hardships of life, always leaning on each other for a good laugh or cry. Today, Brian has two best friends, the friend of almost 20 years, and his annoying little sister that luckily turned out to be the love of his life as well.
Brian told me he was going to marry me two months into our relationship. It was before we had said I love you, and I was just dying to tell him. One night we were lying in bed and he leaned over and said, "I'm going to marry you one day." I have no idea what I said to him, but I know the next night I decided it was more than ok to tell him I loved him, so I said the "L" word first, knowing that he was the one.
The proposal was sweet. At home, very quiet, very us. Brian walked in with two wrapped gifts and told me someone had left them downstairs for me. I hesitantly opened the first, only to see the wedding magazine, "The Knot." At seeing that, I froze and internally totally panicked. The back story to this was that I had secretly gone onto The Knot weeks prior to this and registered for an account, putting in a fake wedding date. So, when I opened this gift, I thought they were sending me a free magazine, and I panicked thinking this would scare Brian! After several times of him asking me what it was, and me awkwardly trying to pretend I didn't know what it was, Brian said, "Jen, it's the wedding magazine" and then slowly proceeded to pull out a large box and open it to a beautiful diamond ring. I was in such shock that I just kept asking if it was real and if it was really happening.
After that I proclaimed that we needed to celebrate and Brian agreed, noting that we should call our families first. When I called my family their first question was, "How did he do it?" and my answer was to look at the phone with a blank stare, asking Brian to tell the story. I had apparently partially blacked out on the details of what exactly he had said! Luckily Brian remembered. We topped the night off with more phone calls and drinks with a few great friends.
The one thing we love most about each other is that we make each other laugh. We're dorks in our own sense and we have a variety of nerdy inside jokes, words and expressions that can always put a smile on the other's face.
Photographer: Leo Timoshuk | Engagement ring: Demarco | Bracelets: Alex and Ani | Necklace: J.Crew | Boots: Frye | Heals: Ann Taylor | Black & White pants + grey top: J.Crew | Pillows, mercury glass candle & chalk sign: Paper Source | Red Notebook: DIY | Other notebooks: Kate Spade | Blanket: Target