An Elegant & Colorful Garden Party Wedding at Dream Point Ranch
From Victoria: "Zach and I love to spend our time outside in whatever ways we can. Most of the time that includes hiking anywhere local, especially at Turkey Mountain. The day started as any other day, heading to Turkey Mountain to go on one of our hikes. Although, Zach had something a little bit more special planned for this hike and he did an amazing job at hiding it and making sure that it totally took me by surprise. At the end of our hike he proposed to me and surprised me with all of our family there to celebrate with after he got down on one knee. It is such a special memory to look back on every time we end up at Turkey Mountain on another hike. It feels even more special as our wedding ceremony took place on a mountain with a view, and our honeymoon was through multiple different mountainous National Parks. Very full circle story!"