Nothing Says Greek Wedding More, Then A Donkey Escorting The Bride to The Ceremony!

It is rare that we see a no-frills wedding. It is even rarer that we see a wedding with no reception, no wedding party, and no cake! Today’s wedding was simply an exchange of vows followed by a sit-down dinner with the couples closest friends and family. When Les Anagnou Photography was contacted by the couple, they were ecstatic to capture this intimate celebration at the end of their very busy wedding season. The bride was escorted to the ceremony by donkey led by her groom, which fit the Greek vibe completely. After ‘I Do’s,’ the celebration continued at Omilos where an all-white decorated dinner awaited, planned by White Events Wedding. Take a look below and see why sometimes, simple and understated can be absolutely breathtaking.

From the Bride…The wedding was very simple. No first look, no wedding party, no reception, no cake, I didn’t even have chairs or music for the ceremony. It was just vows at a villa followed by a sit-down dinner. Then we went to a local bar to celebrate. I am overwhelmed by a lot of fuss. I like simple intimate things. I think people will be surprised with how little actually went into this, but I think everyone will enjoy. It was more about a trip with friends than a party for us.

From Les Anagnou PhotographyWhen we first read Laila and Jack’s inquiry in our inbox we were pleasantly surprised and a little intrigued to meet them and work on their wedding. Their request was as simple and as refined as their wedding celebrations.

They wanted their day to be more of a trip with their closest friends and family and less of a big party. Yet, somehow, the love they put into the details was everything. The donkey that Jack led Laila to the ceremony site, the dinner by the water all made such a huge difference for their guests. Laila was glowing in her ultra-chic white gown while her heartfelt smile finished off her look very effortlessly. Most of the couples immediate family and close friends took part in the wedding ceremony each reading a different passage or blessing that brought everyone to tears.

Minutes after becoming Mr, and Mrs, Jack and Laila headed off with lots of cheer and confetti to their wedding dinner. A restaurant by the sea where all that you could hear where the waves crashing on the shore and the vivid laughter among the guests. Documenting their love and being part of such laid back and warm ambiance was the highlight of our wedding packed summer.

Photography: Les Anagnou photographers | Flowers: Arapahos Flowers | Reception Venue: Omilos | HMUA: Hope Stanley | Invitations + Paper Goods: INWHIITE | Planning: White Events Wedding