Why I'm Better at Long Distance Relationships

Over the holidays (and a few glasses of champagne), my friends and I started ticking down the list of our past relationships. The good, the bad, the I-wonder-if-he's-still-single kind of conversation. Then it hit me: all my happiest relationships have been long distance.

I blame this sudden realization on the fact that I'm an external processor. But I became worried. Is something wrong with me? Is there a reason I need at least 500 miles between me and the person I love to have a healthy relationship? Am I alone in this?
The answer is: no. But there are several key reasons long distance relationships have worked for me. Here are a few:

I LOVE communicating.
It's what I do for a living. It's also what I do for fun. So it stands to reason that a relationship that depends on clear and consistent communication is my kind of relationship.

My work hours are crazy.
I have to be on camera by 6 a.m. half the week. That means I need to wake up by 4 a.m. to get camera-ready, brush up on late-breaking news, and take my puppy out (a few times). I'm normally in the office until 5:30 p.m., then rushing home to take my puppy back outside for a few hours of play time. Dog mom guilt is a real thing!

By the end of the day, I have just enough energy to talk on the phone while ordering takeout or heating up something frozen. I can't cook, which is probably another reason long distance works for me.

Dating long distance allows me to prioritize my work schedule, my Sheltie, and my night time routine during the week. When we're together, I can give our quality time my full attention.
I like to travel.
One of my favorite parts of dating long distance is that every time you see each other is a little adventure. One of you has to travel anyway, so why not pick a place and meet in the middle? I've been to so many exciting cities and cool little towns I wouldn't have visited otherwise.

The person is worth it.
Dating long distance is hard. The only reason I'd ever consider putting in the effort required is a guy who makes it all worth it. Of COURSE those relationships are going to be great – because the people in them are great. Isn't that the definition of a relationship?

I've realized what makes me good at long distance relationships is exactly what makes any person good at any relationship. It's all about finding a balance between achieving your personal goals and investing in a relationship – and doing it simultaneously with an amazing person.

With that in mind, my next relationship might be just around the corner...

Style ME PRetty Contributor - Madeline Littrell is a corporate PR strategist and freelance writer. Born and raised in the South, she loves big hair, country music, and chicken fingers. Madeline lives in Dallas with her Sheltie puppy, Tennessee.