8 Things To Do the Night Before Your Wedding

You’ve made it! The Big Day is TOMORROW and all those months of planning and decision making have paid off. It’s time to kick back and relax before you say I Do to the love of your life. But before you do, here are 8 things to keep in mind the evening before your wedding.

Set Aside Time for Just You Two

Weddings usually involve lots of family and friends and if you’re planning a rehearsal dinner the night before, it’s easy to find yourself chatting away with everyone else BUT your love. Set aside some time to go for a walk or watch the sunset and have a moment to soak it all in, together.

Shine Up that Sparkler

That gem is the star of the show my friends and you’ll have everyone grabbing your hand tomorrow to get a close up look at it. Make sure it give it a good polishing before the Big Day!

Break Tradition and Sleep in the Same Bed

My hubs and I tossed several well-known traditions out the door like the garter/bouquet toss, the dollar dance and sleeping in separate rooms. Of course, this is such a personal decision! But we opted not to because we wanted our wedding day to start like any other and there was nothing sweeter than rolling over to say good morning on the day we said I do. I say ditch this tradition the night before the wedding if you want!

Use Rehearsal Dinner Time Wisely

The wedding day itself will be a happy whirlwind of moments to soak in, but try not to cram too many of those moments in that one day. Having a rehearsal dinner is a great way to celebrate some of those memories the night before your wedding. This might be when you give your parents and/or bridal party their gifts or a perfect time to give a speech and toast those who’ve helped the most in your planning process.

Hit Up the Spa

Forget the morning of, friends. Hit up the spa the evening before your Big Day! Not only will this give you more time to enjoy the morning of your wedding but a massage and a glass of vino is just the ticket to work out those stressful months of planning now behind you.

Recruit Help for Last Minute Details

There will always be last-minute details. Whether you’ve got a planner, coordinator or you’re relying on your bridal party—make sure to utilize those people and not take on last-minute snafus yourself.

Read through Your Vows

Writing your own vows? Take a minute the night before your wedding (or the morning of!) to read through them. Those sweet words are what your day is all about. It doesn’t mean you have to have them memorized—they make some pretty cute books for these kinds of things! But it’s always a good idea to do a last run through beforehand.

Double-Check You’ve Got it All

Juuuust incase. Even if you’re super organized and wrote a million lists in advance to make sure you don’t forget anything, it’s always a good idea to lay out those items the evening before and do a last minute check. Tell your groom to do the same!
