The Coolest Way Ever to Remember Your Big Day

Guys, I’ve seen a lot of amazing keepsakes in my day, but these wedding bouquet portraits from artist Jamie Corley are insanely gorgeous.  Think intricately painted pieces that are just as dreamy as your Big Day with a sweet side of sentimentality.  Gift giving + keepsake keeping has never looked so awesome. Scroll below to see why these beautiful mementos need to make an appearance in your home and learn just how easy it is to get one of your very own.

We know that saying “I do” is sort of a blink and you’ll miss it event, but Jamie Corley is hard at work in San Fran making sure that you can still soak in the beauty of your Big Day long after the celebration is over with bouquet portraits that are unique, stunning and totally creative.  Ranging in price from $350 to $995, these are the type of portraits that make awesome gifts for your mom, bridesmaids, groom… OR yourself.  And I mentioned they were unique, right? We love that.

Jamie Corley’s paintings are awesome, but what’s even better is how simple the process of ordering one truly is. Seriously, all you have to do is visit her site and in three short minutes, you can commission your very own work of art by filling in a short form and uploading three images. Honestly, it’s that easy.  I promise.

Whether you’re looking for a sweet gift for someone you love or an awesome reminder of your Big Day that hangs proudly in your home, Jamie Corley checks every box on the brilliant list with these gorgeous keepsakes. Visit her site NOW to begin the process. You’ll have a beautiful piece in just 4-6 weeks, loves.

Photography: Kate Munsch Photography