10 Pretty Things We Love About Little Hill Floral Designs

Today we get the pleasure of meeting Jenni, an absolute burst of delightful dynamite and owner of Little Hill Floral Designs. She started Little Hill when she was pregnant with her first babe (talk about girl power!) and has been creating beauty ever since. But there’s much more to learn – we’re talking red lips, inspiration, and key points to keep in mind when looking for the right floral designer for your big day!

1. How did you get into floral design?

I started out in the floral industry in 1999, when I was just 17 years old. I worked with two incredible bosses, a wedding florist and an interior design student. Right away, I was taken under their wing into the world of design, joy, and creativity… and just like that, I was hooked! For six years I managed, in my opinion, the cutest floral shop I’ve ever seen. After gaining some invaluable knowledge about the industry, I moved on to plan and manage 100+ weddings per year at one of Orange County’s most beautiful, busiest events studio. In 2012, my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child; we were filled with joy and I was filled with bravery. The kind of bravery that makes you want to open up your own business, while pregnant, because owning a business would be much easier. That was silly of me to think, or was it pregnancy brain?

During that first year of starting my own business and my pregnancy, I became lead designer for one of the industry’s most prestigious floral shops. Being lead designer for this floral shop gave me the knowledge and push (pun intended!) to welcome my second baby: Little Hill Floral Designs. With the help of my wonderful staff, we plan and design multiple weddings a year, and no design leaves my shop without my personal touch. I am passionate and truly love what I do… what’s that saying? “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life again.” Although, I think the job chose me.

2. What’s your personal motto, or a phrase that inspires you creatively?

I have two: the first is “A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are made for…” I’m not even a boating person, I just feel that this is very beautiful and relatable. And my favorite to say around the shop: “Teamwork makes the dreamwork!” It really does take a team of people to perfect a wedding. Everyone has their special talents and contributes something different to the element of design, so when we all put our talents together we are able to create something amazing.

3. Can you describe your aesthetic in three words?

Organic, sincere and romantic :)

4. What are three things you can’t live without?

Red lipstick (it’s my trademark), a design knife (it gets the job done!), and my family (their love and support).

5. Where do you find inspiration?

Aside from obvious answers like nature and keeping current on fashion trends, I find my inspiration from getting to know my clients. More than just their likes or dislikes of flowers, but their overall style; this allows my brain to create and know it is the right design for them. For myself personally, I will build off anything with a splash of blue, any tone, any style, I love blues (just not blue flowers)!

6. What’s your favorite social media platform?

At the moment I would have to say my favorite is Instagram. So much of what we do is visual, so I feel it is a great platform to show our style and work.

7. What is a floral design detail that often gets overlooked, that you wish got more attention in the planning process?

Pinspotting florals! I know it is more a part of the planning process, and not floral design, but it really can make a huge difference in the overall look and feel of the room.

8. What do you think is the most important question a client can ask, when deciding who to hire for their floral designer?

I wouldn’t say a question, but a feeling of trust. We are creative people as floral designers. Some of my best work has been when a client gives me a vision and allows me to create it. I think it is most important to feel that your florist gets your vision and that you can trust them to create it.

9. What’s been your proudest professional accomplishment as a floral designer?

Ceiling treatments! But really, I feel proud every time I get to see a couples’ vision come to life.

10. When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?

Play legos with my daughter, cook and karaoke!

Photography: Jenna Bechtholt Photography | Floral Design: Little Hill Floral Designs