The Perfect Spring Engagement in the Park

What’s better than a springtime stroll through the park? How about a springtime stroll in the park with the one you love. Yeah, we’d say that’s way better. Oh, and add in the talent that is Amy Arrington Photography behind the lens to capture every sweet second and you’ve got yourself one dreamy day. See it all in The Vault!

From the Bride-to-be…Originally, we were both signed up for weight training, but both switched to racquetball days before classes were to start. Unbeknownst to us that it would be the best class change of our college career!I first noticed Zach because he had this smile (still does) that really did light up the room (or gym) and it was hard not to notice him with his head bandanas (to keep his luscious locks out of his face) that he would wear to class everyday. Before I knew his name, I would refer to him as “hot racquetball boy” when talking to my roommates about him.One time during class, the stars aligned, and we were paired up to play against each other. After I let Zach win, we started to talk and learned that we were both from the same town, and that Zach’s dad was my Vice Principal in high school. Zach and I had lived so close to each other growing up, but our paths had never crossed back home.

Fast forward to five years later when my work required me to go to Hawai’i. (somebody had to do it) Zach was able to make the long 4,500 mile trek with me. One day in Hawai’i, after work, and after Zach had explored the island on his scooter all day, we decided to walk from our hotel in Waikiki to a more secluded beach. After spending time in the ocean and relaxing at the beach, we decided to walk back towards the hotel to grab a bite to eat. I walked in front of Zach, and periodically he would tell me to turn around every few steps so that he could to snap a picture of the sunset behind me. The last time that I turned around, Zach was on his knee with the engagement ring, a ring that had once belonged to his grandmother. I squealed and cried with excitement! My fingers were slightly swollen from being at the beach, which made getting the ring on a little challenging, but Zach was able to do it. I was so excited that I didn’t even care if my finger was turning purple. I was engaged to the man of my dreams.

Photography: Amy Arrington Photography