Celebrate Your Big Day with Michelle Sparkling Wines

It’s pretty clear, we love all things bubbly-related around these parts — but we have a certain affinity for Michelle Sparkling Wine! Perfect for everything from engagement party cocktails to wedding day toasts, their wines are seriously delicious. Today, we’ve partnered with them to share serving tips + tricks to make sure the cocktails are on point for your next nuptial-related celebration!

There are a million and one reasons we love Michelle Sparkling Wines. Number one? Their incredible wines are made from premium grapes sourced from Washington state’s Columbia Valley and crafted in the traditional champagne style, Méthode Champenoise.  Michelle Sparkling Wines have beautiful apple and citrus flavors and natural high fruit acids, giving their high quality wines a unique style and taste. To make sure your pre-wedding bash cocktail or big day bubbly is perfect, we’ve put together a list of serving tips + suggestions. Ready?

1. Ideal Serving Temperature43-50° F, so just slightly warmer than the average refrigerator, is just right. If you chill your bottle for a few hours, then let it sit out for about 30 minutes prior to serving, it will be perfect! 

2. The Perfect Pour: Pour a splash of bubbly down the side of a clean, soap-free flute. Let the foam subside a bit before filling the glass 2/3 – 3/4 full.

3. Safely Removing the Cork: 1. Point the bottle away from yourself + others! 2. Remove the foil + untwist — but do not remove the wire cage. 3. Place your thumb on the top of the bottle to prevent an unexpected pop of the cork! 4. Cover the top of the bottle with a towel or cloth. 5. Tilt the bottle at a 45 degree angle, firmly hold the cloth in on hand and slowly turn the bottle with the other. 6. Voila! The cork should ease smoothly from the bottle.

4. How Much is Enough?: You should budget 1 1/2 glasses per guest for a one hour reception or 1/2 a bottle per guest for a 3-4 hour reception! Bottoms up, my dears!

 I don’t know about you all, but I’m ready for a glass of bubbly right about now! It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?! For even more information on Michelle Sparkling Wines, check them out on Facebook or head over here. xo