Oh, how I love engagement films. They fill me with a complete and utter happiness that is unparalleled – and this stunning video captured by Birdhouse Productions is ah.ma.zing. And by ah.ma.zing, I mean that it will sweep you away into a love-filled bliss that is guaranteed to deliver some serious HAPPY. It’s a boy meets girl in the most exciting city in the world type of romance, complete with a stop-you-in-your-tracks proposal in London that is all kinds of swoon-worthy fabulous. (Seriously.) Grab the tissues, lovelies. This one is sooo good.
[iframe http://player.vimeo.com/video/42154631 600 337]
From Birdhouse Productions… As filmmakers, what attracts us most to a couple is their story. The amazing thing about Bethany and Jonathan is that their humble, down-to-Earth personalities make it hard to believe that they have one of the most romantic, adventurous relationships and love stories you will ever hear about. These are two people with an abundant love of life who appreciate the simple joys (such as drinks at a local pub) but also love the finer things (like a weekend getaway in London and Paris). We had the best time walking in Bethany and Jonathan’s shoes for a day; playing with their dog, Charlie, at their home in Weehawken, taking the ferry into NYC (hands down the best way to get into the city); and laughing over drinks at Mulligans, their favorite pub. It’s truly a blessing to be able to capture stories as amazing and intense as theirs.
From the moment we first heard from them, we knew this was going to be an extra special film. With Bethany and Jonathan’s great patience and trust, we edited their film like a feature — we took it to the recording studio, plugged in, projected their film on a screen and started composing an original score to the visuals. A friend and collaborator of ours, Tom Downing, layered in some final animations, and the film was complete. We are so excited with the outcome and are even more thrilled that Bethany and Jonathan love what we’ve given them. Their wedding this July is going to be a gorgeous one — and we can’t wait to see their families’ reactions to this film at the reception!
From the Bride… One of the main reasons Jonathan and I wanted an engagement film was because all of his family lives in England, and mine is in the states. So there are a lot of family members on either side that have not gotten the chance to get to know us. The engagement film was an amazing platform for introduction. It was a very personal, close-up view of who we are as a couple and really allowed our family members an inside look at how we came to be. We chose Birdhouse (best decision ever!) to create this engagement film because we LOVED their previous work. The way they tell a story is magical. I was watching wedding films and engagements films of complete strangers, but I was totally engrossed and wanted to know more about the couples (which is something that I have never been able to say about any other wedding films I have seen). Birdhouse is fresh, new, exciting, and most importantly, they love what they do. It was very obvious to my fiance and me that they seemed to be just as excited and passionate about our engagement film as we were, and that is a rare, but beautiful thing. We couldn’t be happier with the end result — it is all we could have asked for and more. This film is a time capsule of our lives that we will be able to cherish forever. We will get to share this with our children someday — how cool is that?!
Cinematography: Birdhouse Productions