Marriage Proposal Video

It’s so fascinating to me the way that technology has changed so much of the way weddings are planned from wedding websites to electronic save-the-dates.  Even proposals are so much more than just a simple getting down on one knee these days.  This adorably quirky and totally unique animated video may be one of the most creative, techie ways I’ve seen someone pop the question.  You have to read this groom-to-be’s entire story below.  It is too cute!

From the Groom-to-be… I had originally intended on proposing to her on Saturday, November 26th- the day before my birthday. The plan was to gift her with an Android Tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab), and when she unlocked it, it would immediately play the animation that I had made. However, on Sunday the 19th we received news that her best friend’s father had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and immediately made plans to take her to Arkansas (from where we live in Toronto) to visit her close friends where she grew up. The day before we left, she decided to give me a birthday present early- and it ended up being the exact tablet I had bought her. I was surprised and immediately thought of the proposal I had planned- and she mistook my reaction for me not liking the gift. I told her that I simply had gotten her the exact same one for Christmas, and had been hiding it at work.

We flew down to Arkansas on Thursday the 24th and had a lovely Thanksgiving that involved a fair share of tears. When we returned on Sunday the 27th, my actual birthday, I presented her with the tablet, still in a box, telling her that despite it being my birthday, since she knew about her Christmas gift I felt she should have it now, and urged her to open it. The video you see linked is what played immediately. Through tears, I am very happy to say, she said yes.

Animation: Tar Boy