Wrap It Up Pretty Little Black Book!

Can you believe the holidays are just about upon us, LBBers? We’re all in a frenzy over here at the SMP offices getting ready for our rad turkey days. Luckily, as at least I know I’m not quite ready for Thanksgiving just yet, we’ve got one weekend to get our gourds out, practice our pie baking, and warm up our stomachs for a day of feasting. Before I send you off to prep, however, I do have a feast for your eyes – this fantastic engagement shoot courtesy of Scobey Photography. So take it in for a moment of calm before the wonderful holiday festivities begin, and we’ll see you here next week! xoxo

Photography: Scobey Photography / Styling: Melanie, Lucky + Lovely / Venue: Serenbe

The week of weddings all tied up in a pretty bow:

a contemporarily purple highlight film from Atlanta with a sweet and sassy couple at the center

a fantastic fresh Oregon vineyard affair with the most adorably in love bride & groom

a Los Angeles ballroom wedding full of grandeur and love

a romantic Roman holiday intimate affair

a beyond amazing floral design in a wedding to match in Hawaii

a California winery fête fit for romancing rockstars

a modern and clean Minnesota soiree with gorgeous, gorgeous flowers

a chic Oregon soiree with the most beautiful couple

a heaven on earth affair in a lovely New Jersey garden

A few of our favorite things, courtesy of the web:

a warm & rustic bit of Thanksgiving inspiration to get you ready for next week via Design*Sponge

a sweet soiree strait from Georgia filled with simple inspiration via Once Wed

a few coppery deets perfect for any soiree, fancy pants or not via The Ritzy Bee Blog