Inspire Me Pretty Georgia!

Alrighty my pretty Georgia Peaches – it’s your turn to inspire the socks off all of us at SMP! I cannot tell you how much I love y’alls style down there, so I just can’t even wait to see what you have up your southern sleeves! Here’s how Inspire Me Pretty works – you whip up a pretty as can be inspiration board using our oh-so-handy Inspiration Board Builder, tag it with Inspire Me Pretty GEORGIA and we’ll pick a winner to put up in lights! When Georgia’s on my mind I think peaches, so I created a board based around that fabulous fruit your state is so famous for. What do you think? Well now it’s YOUR turn to show me what inspires you about your gorgeous state of Georgia! Remember to TAG your board Inspire Me Pretty GEORGIA. The winner will be announced on Monday!

Did I do Georgia justice? What does your dream Georgia gala look like? Be sure to use the new board builder and TAG your board Inspire Me Pretty GEORGIA so we can easily find your gorgeousness.  I’ll announce the winner on Monday!