Well. Although it’s been 12 perfect weeks of baby bliss, I am finally ready to crawl out of my little baby hole and get back to all of this wedding gorgeousness that I’ve been missing. William is now a strapping 12 pounds, 6 ounces and although he surprised us by coming 5 weeks early, he has settled quite beautifully into that three month old, chubby goodness. So before we get to today’s weddings, I thought I would take a moment to formally introduce the newest member of the SMP family…William Tait Larson.
many, many thanks to Justin and Mary, our amazing photographers!
My hope is that little William will grow to be as spunky and adorable as his sister, Audrey, and as smart and handsome as his daddy, Tait. From the looks of it, he’s well on his way. Thanks to all for your well wishes and congratulations, we’ve loved reading every last email and every last card, every last tweet and every last facebook message. But it’s back to business for the Larsons. And we couldn’t be more excited for what’s on the horizon.
xoxo, Abby