Wedding Registries by SimpleRegistry

Good Morning lovelies! We have some really great weddings coming up in just a bit but before we hightail it to la la wedding land we wanted to take a minute to share the fabulousness that is SimpleRegistry. As you start down the registry road, you’ll probably find yourself with a wish list of your favorite items from SEVERAL different stores and lets face it, managing multiple registry lists can be time consuming and down right difficult for you AND your guests. Our answer? SimpleRegistry: the one stop shop for a manageable registry list where you can add any item from any store and it all resides in one simple place. This is music to our wedding planning ears.

SimpleRegistry is such a great option for the couple that wants to create a unique, personalized wish list that isn’t limited by the available items at one given store. And adding these items couldn’t be easier. Not only do they have the SimpleAdder tool which allows you to add an item from any website with one simple click (fabulous!) but they now have an AMAZING mobile application. This beauty enables members to snap a picture or scan a barcode from anywhere in the world and instantly add it to their registry page. And if you have your sights set on any big ticket items, SimpleRegistry allows you to divide the costs of these pieces into manageable gift amounts. So that $1800 sofa of your dreams can be broken up into ten separate gifts of $180.

Do you see why we are such mega-fans of SimpleRegistry? These smarties have thought of EVERYTHING. Whether you are eyeing a gorgeous piece of art at a local studio or have some pretty handmade items from Etsy on your list, they have you covered…even a honeymoon excursion fits in the realm of possibilities. So if you are in the market for a unique registry that allows your creativity to run wild, be sure to head over to SimpleRegistry today. The sky is seriously the limit!