Little Black Book Artistes ~ Bright and Colorful Weddings (II)

Our next “colorful” wedding feature is from Dave Robbins Photography …

But before we hit you with the blast of color, a little bit about how Amy and Stefan got together in the first place …

From Amy … We met at a mutual friend’s birthday party at a bar in Soho. I was getting ready to move to Los Angeles two weeks later (to start my new life). When we met, we sort of hit it off, but not in a romantic way – i just thought he was super cool and smart and cute. We are both public relations consultants, and after I moved to LA, I had emailed him to ask him for some pr advice and some favors (I think he was put off).  I told him I would repay him by taking him to lunch whenever he came to LA.  Long story short, we started emailing alot – and when I came back to New York to close on the sale of my apartment, he asked me out for drinks. I really didn’t see the point in getting together, since I just starred my new life in LA and he lived in NYC. But my mother insisted I should meet him, as who knows “he might have nice friends you can be set up with in LA and you never know…” I went to meet him for drinks and I begged one of my girlfriends to come as I didn’t want to be stuck in any awkwardness.  After 30 minutes, my friend left and the two of us spent the next four hours talking. It was literally magic, I just knew at that point. He escorted me to a taxi – and soon after emailed me and said “that was the best date I have ever been on!” Emails turned into long phone conversations and well ~ the rest is history. Lets just say we both spent alot of time with American Airlines and I soon moved back to LA! It was a whirlwind!

But wait ~ did we say that today is all about bold and beautiful?

David Stark was our event designer  – he did everything … the lights, flowers, design … he is a total genius! When we first met, we told him we wanted something totally unconventional and unique. The unexpected. I guess we both had been to so many weddings and just wanted something different – not uniform. When he saw my dress – which was made out of feathers – he went to work and presented a 1940’s Stork Club theme – feather centerpieces, black and white colors – it was wild and fantastic. Every detail was perfect. I barely even gave him direction, he came up with every single idea.

Simply amazing! Congrats to Amy & Stefan and THANK YOU to Dave Robbins!! There are tons more images from this spectacular wedding in Amy & Stefan’s Photo Gallery. Please DO take a look!

And stay tuned … we have another wedding coming up inspired by …. Willy Wonka?!?  {sneak peek here}