Texas Wedding with Modern Vintage Style

Hello friends! Chantale here from La Belle Bride, serving up another delicious wedding for you guys to drool over! If I had to make a list, these are a few of my favorite things when it comes to weddings: DIY projects. Vintage style. Modern accents. Eco-chic elegance. Now, wouldn’t it blow your mind if all of these things came together into ONE wedding?! Well, brace yourself because I present to thee: Baovy and Vu’s adorable Texan wedding. All the elements I love in one beautiful wedding.

The second I laid eyes on these photos by The Nichols (husband/wife partners in amazing photo crime), I was struck by not only the killer style of this wedding, but the clear “joie de vivre” that this couple has. Which in my books is oh-so-important on your wedding day. We all love a few high fashion wedding pictures here and there but I LOVE seeing couples clearly being themselves in photos. Laughing, hamming it up, jumping for joy…I just eat that stuff up.

I’ll let the bride, Baovy, tell the rest of the story about her amazing day:

The inspiration for the style of the wedding was “modern-vintage-eco-chic.” It may be a mouthful, but I wanted to have a day of simple elegance meets modern details, with an eco-friendly approach. Our color scheme, yellow and gray, were our favorite colors and helped to create a chic vibe. Vu and I incorporated a bicycle theme into the wedding because we both discovered our love of biking together. We incorporated our tandem bicycle in our engagement pictures, wedding portraits and even in our exit as a “green” mode of transportation!

Phew!  There’s a whole lot of inspiring ideas from this wedding, right?  More to come from the couple’s amazing reception!