There really are no words that could possibly do this giveaway justice. Many of the vendors are dear friends of mine that just happen to be the absolute best in their field so it’s a huge honor to have them collaborate on such a massive gift…just for SMP readers to boot.

So let me just get right to it. In honor of all things Napa Valley, and destination weddings at their finest, some of the Bay Area’s insanely talented vendors have come together to gift one lucky reader a pretty fantastic bag of goodies. And by fantastic, I mean $2100 worth of products and services. Yep, you read that right. Pretty incredible!

Oh and the best part is that you definitely don’t have to be in the Bay Area to play!

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First up, the forever talented Alison Hotchkiss is ponying up an autographed copy of the book, Destination Wedding Planner AND a 1 hour consultation with her personally. Alison is the voice behind some of my all time favorite weddings and during the consultation she’ll be able to share style ideas based on your own vision. Priceless.

Next up is Hello!Lucky. If you read SMP, you know that I LOOOVE the girls at Hello! Lucky. They are pure talent and their designs are off the charts gorgeous. And for one lucky bride, they are gifting 100 free destination wedding invitation sets which includes the invitation, envelope, and reply set. Umm, holy cow.

Heath Ceramics, who just happens to craft some of the most gorgeous pieces I’ve ever seen is gifting a seasonal cup set to our winner. Heath’s pieces are organic, they are handcrafted, they are timeless and forever elegant. Personally, they are one of my all time favorite wedding registry spots.

Add to the mix the Bardessono Hotel in Napa Valley who is giving away two free night’s stay valued at $1,000. If you aren’t familiar with this STUNNING hotel and spa, you really need to be. It’s a little piece of perfection in one of the world’s most gorgeous spots and would certainly set the stage for a romantic getaway for you and your hubs.

And while you’re at the Bardessono, you stop by the Bottega Restaurant in Yountville, as they are giving away a $100 gift certificate. Bottega just happens to be Michael Chiarello’s restaurant…which is so cool in and of itself…and is know for perfect dishes that are as warm and cozy as they are completely 5 star.

This next artist is just about as good as they get. Thayer Alison Gowdy, the photographer behind Alison’s Destination Wedding Planner book and the talent behind some of the most beautiful photoshoots you’ve ever seen (including many in Martha Stewart Magazine) is offering a free wedding photography consultation. Based on her RIDICULOUS skills, she’ll tell you how to work with a photographer to get the very best images you can. This is a really, really rare opportunity.

Napa Style is adding a $75 gift certificate so that you can stock up on some of the most gorgeous kitchen and home wares you could ever want. I love, love, love Napa Style and could spend the $75 in about 2 seconds flat. Their products have that Napa flavor that exudes an organic elegance and total style.

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WHEW!! So much goodness it’s almost hard to believe. I am MAJORLY jealous of the lucky bride or groom that wins this package. Marjorly jealous.

Here’s what we want from you! Because we are honoring one ofthe most incredible destination spots this country has to offer, Napa Valley, we want to know what YOUR dream destination is. If you could tie the knot in any city in the world, which one would it be?

Leave a comment below and you’ll be entered to win! We’ll announce the winner next Wednesday, September 30th. Good luck to all!