Back Porch Nuptials, II

The fabulous team at Two Fishes Artistry sent us today’s first featured wedding. And really, this isn’t so much a wedding feature as a total love affair with a bride and groom that are basically as adorable as they come. The bride completely rocked a mini, while adding some Louboutins for good measure. And the groom? Well…dreamy is the word that comes to mind.

I mean, how cute is this pair! I think that what I love the most is that they are madly in love. Two, super stylish, ridiculously chic people who are totally smitten with each other…for SMP, it doesn’t get much better than that!

I actually don’t have very many reception pics to show you, as the couple just had their nearest and dearest for dinner at a local restaurant. But, they did happen to have a pretty awesome cake that I had to share!

If you haven’t already noticed, the photographer behind these images is RIDICULOUSLY talented. Meg Baisden just has it…the pure talent to capture such emotion, such love, such style. She is one of my favs and you should definitely spend some time checking out her work!