The FABULOUS (and by fabulous, I really mean holy-cow-so-so-so-talented) Evonne of Events by Evonne sent us today’s second featured affair. And, it’s all about the beauty. The seriously spectacular seaside beauty!
From Evonne…Michelle wanted to display their travel photos in an unconventional way. So she decided to use clothes pins to hang the photos and tie them around each tree at the Sugarman Estate. Guests had fun walking around the estate looking through all the photos while having their pupus (Hawaiian word for appetizers) and cocktails. For the cocktail highboys, there were a few games for the guests such as chess, Connect Four and a few decks of playing cards and poker chips.
Another great thing that we did was the French Fry Station! Michelle LOVES fries, and I wanted to incorporate that into the reception. We were able to collaborate with the caterer to provide them with all the different types of fries from the regular ones to the sweet potato fries… they were all served in little cones with different dipping sauce. It was a huge hit! :)
And along with all of these so fun details, Evonne put together a reception style that will literally make your heart skip a beat. Just you wait…you are going to LOVE what’s coming up next!