Real Wedding: Anna and James, IV

If you are just now popping in for a visit, we are featuring the most beautiful New Zealand wedding shot by the amazingly talented Lauri Levenfeld. And speaking of, Lauri is doing a pretty cool “social media experiment” over on her blog, where the winner gets a free portrait shoot! Definitely worth checking out.

Okay, back to the wedding…

From Anna…

My aesthetic has always been “fresh, clean, and green” so there was no need to fight with the spectacular scenery offered by Waiheke.  I chose colors consistent with the very 60’s combination of Kelly green and bright white to compliment the special glacial turquoise NZ oceans of the Hauraki Gulf.

Overall, we wanted our wedding day to feel intimate and relaxed.  As a couple who has lived all over the world (James in Malawi, Jordan, New York City, London, and San Francisco) and Anna (New Zealand, New York City, and San Francisco), our wedding was about bringing all the people we love together to spend meaningful time together on the little island where Anna was raised as a child, Waiheke Island.

Ahhh. Swoon.