Back to Business!

Before I leave you for the weekend, I wanted to touch on just a couple of things. First, a quick reminder that I will be at the Commandant’s House in Boston (Charlestown) this weekend for a luxury bridal show hosted by the fabulous Leana Gallagher. TONS of inspiration to be had as well as some pretty great industry pros. Click here to see all of the details!

And secondly, we have decided to give everyone one more week to get their DIY projects done. Believe it or not, we have only received a handful, and with a grand prize of $500 and three runners-up of $100, I am sure that there are more out there. The contest is open to brides, vendors, bloggers, anyone and everyone! Click here for all of the details! The new deadline is Sunday, March 22nd at midnight.

And lastly, I couldn’t leave you without a little bit of inspiration. I wanted to share this gorgeous new ad by Wildflower Linens that I received just a few minutes ago!

I am in love. The chair covers have to be the most gorgeous things I have EVER seen. Have a great weekend everyone!