Real Wedding: Ashley and Chris, IV

On to the ceremony…it’s so lovely, so incredibly romantic. And Ashley has shared with us some of the details that made the ceremony not only beautiful, but unbelievably touching.

photos by the lovely and oh-so-talented April Smith

From Ashley…

For the ceremony, my mom walked me down the aisle, which is fitting since it has always been me and her.  We really wanted everyone to be involved in our ceremony since each person we had asked to be there was special to us.  To do this, we asked our parents to stand and pledge their support to strengthen our marriage by upholding us with their love, concern, counsel and prayers.  To involve everyone there, we had a wedding blessing where our officiant asked all of the guests to offer their blessing to us and pledge their support and protect our relationship.  Everyone said, we do.

We also had a family medallion ceremony.  Chris has an 11 year old daughter and we wanted to involve her in the ceremony.  So, the officiant asked Mackenzie to join us. We then gave her a gold bracelet with a charm that had three overlapping circles, which symbolized our love and support.  Chris was a little too teary to put the bracelet on her, so I did. :)

So much more to come!