DIY Project – Wrist Corsages

Inspired by an Amy Butler design, these DIY wrist corsages are so stinking pretty. Adorable for bridesmaids or flower girls…OR you could use them to tie up napkins on guest’s place setting! Too cute!


Strips of Fabric


Sewing Machine/Thread/Needle

Hot Glue Gun

Pretty Strips of Ribbon


1. Cut a 4×18 inch strip of fabric – you may need to play with the width and length to get the look you are going for.

2. Fold the fabric hot dog style (so the long edges meet) with wrong sides together. Press with an iron.

3. Using a loose straight stitch sew the open long edges together (leaving about 1/4 inch)

4. Pull the bobbin thread to gather the material. The more you pull the more it gathers. You will have to kind of play with the fabric to make it gather evenly.

5. Once you are happy with the amount of gather begin rolling the strip up – so it looks like a spiral. So start at one end and just roll. The tighter you roll the more open your flower will be.

6. Once you are happy with your flower hand sew the bottom together (the bottom is the edge with the seam – the folded side should be the open part of the flower). Be sure you get through all the layers – don’t worry this part doesn’t have to be pretty.

7. Once your flower feels like it is secure and will not unravel use a hot glue gun to attach it to a piece of ribbon. Voila! You have a corsage.

I love these because they are so quick and easy, but so beautiful. You can also make these flowers to adorn bags or sweaters. My husband’s grandmothers LOVED that I had made special corsages just for them.