DIY Project – Hanging Placecards

This DIY Project was done by a bride who really thought through her wedding style. She designed these hanging placecards so that the table remained clean and uncluttered and yet they still had that “pop” of color she was going after!



8 1/2″ x 11″ cardstock (1 sheet per 3 placecards, or 1 sheet for each sign)

12″x12″ brocade-design paper (1 sheet)

standard white bond paper


white gel pen



computer with Word or Excel software






1. Print the guests’ names on the cardstock, three placecards to each 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet of cardstock (I used Excel, a font I got for free from, and a standard laser printer).

2. Using the gluestick, glue one 3″ strip of the black-and-white brocade-design paper onto each sheet of cardstock. (I had bought one 12″x12″ sheet of the brocade paper from Papersource, and then Xeroxed it as I needed it, which is a fabulous thing about using a black and white pattern. I reduced it slightly so that the pattern would be centered on the center of each placecard.)

3. Print the small text for the band (I also did this using Excel, another font I got for free from, and a standard laser printer).

4. Xerox the band using the “negative image” function on the copier so that the text becomes white and the background becomes black. (I had formatted it so that I could cut it in strips – three bands to a strip – and glue one strip on each sheet of cardstock.)

5. Using the gluestick, glue one band onto each sheet of cardstock so that it covers the edge of the black-and-white brocade-design paper.

6. Using the gel pen, highlight the black text of the names.

7. Using the papercutter, cut each sheet of cardstock into three placecards.

8. Using the holepunch, punch holes in each of the two upper corners of each card and thread in the ribbon.