Setting Your Destination Wedding Budget

Now Alison is sharing tips on budgeting for a destination wedding. Now that these types of weddings are becoming so popular, it seems like a really important topic!

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In any wedding workbook, you’ll find a budget page where you plan for all the standard wedding expenses (like your dress, your flowers and all that food you’ll be serving to your guests). But what if you’re having a destination wedding? Below are some costs that are specific to destination weddings that aren’t usually mentioned in standard wedding budgets:

Site visit. You’ll want to visit your destination at least once to check out venues and meet with potential vendors.

Wedding travel. Includes airfare, accommodations, car rental, and meals and entertainment.

Flying in vendors or officiant. If you hire someone who doesn’t live in your destination, you’ll be expected to pay their airfare, accommodations, local travel expenses, and per diem.

Group activities. You’ll probably be hosting other events over the weekend, such as a welcome party, rehearsal dinner, and/or departure brunch.

Subsidizing expenses. You might choose to help out with other people’s travel expenses or offer to pay for their bridesmaids’ dresses.

Shipping. Leave a little room in the budget for sending programs, signage, linens, or other items to your destination.

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Great tips, Alison! Okay, now for the serious eye candy. Remember the Palm Springs rehearsal that we featured earlier today? Here is how the equally gorgeous wedding turned out…

So, so pretty. To get a look like this on a budget…here are a few tips:

-Choose a venue that speaks for itself. This gorgeous location didn’t need much in terms of decor.

-Keep the guest list small. By having a small, destination style wedding, you can splurge a bit more on the details.

-Use lighting smartly. Rent or buy large lanterns that house huge candles. Three or four tucked into a corner will do wonders for ambiance. Some destinations only require candles to be magnificent!

-Serve limited choices…one signature cocktail and one champagne. Offer a simple, but sophisticated menu and don’t be afraid to choose the chicken! Spice it up with some great flavorings that are unique to the area.

-Create vignettes…scour ebay for containers (like the wooden ones above) and fill with an array of inexpensive floral buds and greenery. Place them on tables covered with fabric that you’ve purchased yourself. Even better, ask your venue to lend you any tables that they can spare.

Thank you soooo much to Alison for this awesome day of guest posts. Check out both Alison’s site and her blog for tons of great tips and serious eye candy! And, if you are planning a destination wedding, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for Alison’s upcoming book!