Wedding Invitations by Peculiar Pair Press

I have been a very longtime fan of Peculiar Pair Press…their work is absolutely stunning. So, needless to say, I am thrilled that they are the guest bloggers for today!


It’s not often that we get the opportunity to design an invitation suite that is completely non-traditional, but we’re always up for the task! We can’t say enough about how the proper type choices and image pairings can clearly communicate a very specific feeling. The mixture of multiple typestyles along with the decision to highlight certain areas of text with color and the scientific quality of the images communicates right of the bat that this event is going be oh-so-different.

Margaux and Beck were so unique that they chose simply to call their quasi-nuptial event “the twenty-first day of the month” a title which also marked the anniversary of their first date!

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Whether traditional or not, the design of the invitation suite must directly translate to the festivities that have been planned. The reception would include a champagne bar complete with an array of herbs intended for guests to flavor their champagne! Herbal images repeated on the stationery was a nod toward this tasty delight yet to come. The ticket references were a perfect pairing to the venue, Union Station in Los Angeles.

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If you are lucky, the process of designing your invitations will inspire new ideas to incorporate into your reception. The scientific quality of the herbal images and the gridded belly band seemed to beg for a few little bugs here and there; how could we resist! Margaux and Beck ran with this idea and asked each guest to draw a picture of a bug on the back of their reply card and then displayed the drawings together for all to see! We love it!

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More to come from the girls at Peculiar Pair Press later today!