Today is the day! The day of love! The day of red and pink! The day of hearts! The day of appreciation! Honestly, this is one of the best days of the year in our opinion. There’s so much caring and intentionality on this day and spreads all across spectrums!
From family love, romantic love, friend love, budding love, elementary love… It’s just the best!
So today we’re tackling questions from our special edition of Ask The Editor and we’re feeling all the warm and fuzzies doing it. Read along! We like to think today’s is like the old-school chicken and soup for the soul.
“This is so cliche but I have a big-time crush and he’s shy and idk if he’ll make a move. Should I?”
Welcome to the 21st century, friends! Making the “move” looks like so many things these days. Traditionally when this question popped up in the best of the 80’s romcoms, “making the first move” looked like the acute directness of actually asking the guy on a date.
But the first move can look like a million different things. The first move can be a wave in the hallway, intentional social media interactions, asking a question that you know the answer to but it’s a conversation starter (hello, Cady Heron) SHARING A KIT KAT, sitting next to them in group situations, befriending their friends, reading a book they mentioned loving and using that as a conversation starter.
The point is that you can still maintain “sly and cute” while making the first move. Just got for it! We believe in you.
“Low budget Valentine’s day this year, how to make it special?”
A common misconception is that Valentine’s day has to be a HUGE ordeal. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just make it intentional! Here are a couple of ideas:
Instead of going to a fancy dinner, why not make a fancy dinner? It’s a fraction of the cost and can be SO much fun. Make a home class out of it! Watch some youtube videos and learn something new. You can even have a frozen pizza on hand “just in case” and it will be a new kind of experience….with some insurance.
Movie marathons can be cliche, but when you make them a BIG deal they’re fun. Go all out! Make a fort, or pallet on the ground — just something besides the couch — and pick a genre of movies that make you happy.
Go out for an adventure and pack a picnic! How many times have you read this suggestion, thought “oh that sounds fun” but have never tried it? DO IT. It is actually as fun as you make it and you can make it reeeaallly fun.
“My 6 yro kid likes a girl at school, how to help his tiny heart”
First of all, that’s adorable. Second of all, tiny hearts have a lot to give! There is value in EVERY love story, even the tiniest ones. And, as the opening scene of Miss Congeniality demonstrates, even IF it doesn’t go well, it’s a character guiding moment.
But this is also a good time to help encourage him and his social skills! Help him learn to talk to her, help him learn that sharing a cookie is a great way to show affection, help him learn respect! Walk him through how to be a friend first, and ultimately, as a 6-year-old, that even if this isn’t his true love, he has so, so much time to learn and grow on the path to find his soul-mate.
This is just the sweetest and we hope all works out for your guy!
“First Valentine’s day with a kid! How do we include her?”
First off, congratulations! A growing family is a really exciting time.
Even though she probably won’t remember much of this holiday, it’s really fun to go out of the way to include her in the festivities! When she’s older, you can do things like a heart-shaped pancake for breakfast, special valentine’s day outfit and little things that make the holiday stand out.
Including the whole family in celebration also opens the door for new traditions! Maybe you do a WHOLE decorated and inflated family dinner with cupcakes and treats and balloons and the whole shebang. Maybe you go to the park for a family picnic! While she’s young, maybe its extra cuddles while watching classic Disney movies from a living room fort!
This holiday is aaaallll about sharing love, and that includes the kiddos.
“I’m his girl best friend, but I want to be more. How?”
The friend zone goes both ways. Guys think they own this category but they don’t! Girls find themselves here all the time. Whether as the “mom” of the group or “one of the guys” it’s really easy to find yourself in this situation.
If you find yourself in this friend zone, the first thing to do is to demonstrate the characteristics you have outside of your label. You don’t have to embrace the friend-dynamic! You can work your way to expand the way he knows you. Try and surprise him! Make him realize that he actually doesn’t know everything about you and there’s way more to you than the scope that he sees you through.
This can be with a hobby he doesn’t know, something your passionate about or an area you’re really smart in. Breaking the seal of what he thinks he knows about you re-opens his eyes, and THAT’s the time to move out of the friend zone, kick up some flirting and good ‘ol fashion mystic and move from there! And, you have the upper hand here. You know what he likes, doesn’t like, loves and you know his character.
After all, that’s what you like about him, right? Highlight it! You know him in ways other girls don’t, so go for it! We TOTALLY believe in you! You can do this.
That’s all for today! Happy day of love, friends!
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