10 Tell-Tale Signs He'll Propose This Holiday Season

I don't know if you've heard, but the 'tis the season to get engaged. That's right, statistics have shown us that more than one in four grooms propose to their brides over the holiday season and if that isn't exciting, then what is!? And while we can't guarantee anything will happen for certain, but certainly can point out some sneaky tip-offs that he just might be preparing to propose before the New Year (!!!!!!!!)

He's Slightly Standoffish

He seems a little more preoccupied than usual or withdrawn from day-to-day conversations.

He Double and Triple Checks Your Schedule

Because obviously, he needs to make sure you're free!

He's Overly Protective of His Phone or Wallet

Receipts, ring photos or proposal planning texts could all be his top secret information.

He Asks or Confirms Your Jewelry Tastes

I mean, this one is just obvious!

He's Been in Money Saving Mode.

More date nights in could mean more bucks saved for the bling.

He's Initiated Discussions About Long-Term Plans

Jobs, locations, kids or no kids? It's all important convo topics with our soon-to-be.

He Treats You To a Spa Day

Hello, manicure!

He Makes Big Plans for the Holidays

Whether it's an escape to his family's cozy cabin or a reservation at your favorite restaurant, he just might be up to something special.

He Becomes Overly Sentimental

All of the sudden he's reminiscing on how you two first met, your first date, etc.

He's in Talks With Your Family or Closet Friends

Almost as if they ALL know something you don't!

Psssst: a little ring inspiration to get you started!

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