How to Plan Your Wedding at Work + Keep Your Full Time Job

Congrats! You have a new special sparkler on your finger and one major party to plan ahead of you...but news flash, you still need to wake up and go to your day job, and you know, make the moola to pay for it all. So how do you get all those fun, fabulous plans in place but continue to keep the boss happy? We've got the inside scoop for being productive in both roles that you're rocking these days straight ahead!


Plan Ahead:

Approach each work day knowing what you hope to accomplish while at your desk and after. Having those duties planned out in advance makes it easier to tackle them whenever a burst of free time opens up for you.

Online Work Only:

Keep those magazines and binders at home! Whatever work you do at the office should be purely accessible online. You're trying to keep you personal projects on the downlow and stacks of linen samples and magazine cut-outs kind of give it away.


Lunch Hour Is Key:

Take advantage of this special time slot! This is the time for all vendor calls, inquiries and meetings! An hour a day, five hours a week, is precious productive time waiting to be used!

Free Time Is YOUR Time:

Every little 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there, is an open opportunity to fit in more wedding work! Calls can be made during your commute, reception music ideas can be listened to during your workouts!


Be Respectful:

You may have a co-worker that's eager to hear all about your weekend dress shopping adventure, but no matter how supportive your co-workers may be, they don't want or need to hear about every single wedding planning moment for the next 12 months (or more)! Sharing a bit is fine and fun but erring on the side of caution and holding back on spilling too many details is always a wise choice. Are there ladies in your office eagerly awaiting a ring as well? No need to make them feel bad by constantly gabbing about gowns.

Clear Priorities:

Never, ever forget why you are at the office - to do that job that you've worked hard to get. Day job duties always take priority and 99% of the time, wedding planning items can wait til later. The wedding will come and go but you want your career to still be standing strong when you return from that honeymoon!

If Caught, Don't Lie:

Boss come up behind your desk and take you off guard as you pin the 134th bouquet on your Pinterest board? It's not worth trying to cover it up; be honest and apologize. Close that tab and get back to your regular work for the rest of the day (play it safe and maybe lay off the wedding work for the rest of the week we recommend!).

Follow the Rules:

Each and every company has their own rules and regulations including what sites are allowed on work computers. Check on your company's guidelines and keep in mind that your online habits may be watched and recorded.

Vault CTA

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