Whimsical Brunch Wedding in Downtown Los Angeles

I am a self-confessed brunch addict. Mimosas, cappuccinos and pancakes by the stack... just where I want to be on a lazy sunday. Now fold all of that goodness into the prettiest Marvimon House wedding crafted by Pluck and coordinated by WINK! It's a day that brunch dreams are made of and one that finds guests with tambourines in their hands and pancakes in their bellies. See it all captured by ART IS FOR LOVERS right here.
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From WINK!...The bride and groom are lovers of Los Angeles. They incorporated their love of: brunch, Dodgers Baseball, Bicycles, and Coffee. Featuring a bona-fide "cereal bar" and pumpkin pancakes! Their bridal party serenaded them live to "Hey! Ho!" for their processional with adorable handmade signs. 

From The Bride...We actually built our wedding backwards. We started with planning the most basic option (the two of us, in jeans, at the courthouse) and from there, we began adding back in the things we would miss if we did that simple scenario (having our friends and family there, etc.) It was interesting to discover the things that ended up mattering to us (I had no idea, until then, that I cared about wearing a white dress or having an aisle to walk down). Turned out, both of us wanted more of a wedding-type wedding than either of us expected. We just wanted to make sure that everything we did, we did because we wanted to, not because we were supposed to. And, we wanted to do it our way. It was so much more fun and liberating, then, to go through and put our signature on each of the elements we kept.

Décor was a huge part of the experience we wanted to create. Most of our friends and family are scattered all over, so our time together with them has been limited and their knowledge of our relationship has been based on the cliff notes versions we’ve given them over phone calls and Skype. We wanted to create a sort of museum experience in the space- a walk through the history of Chase and Tami, if you will. We incorporated artifacts from our relationship into the displays and we took advantage of each element to tell a story about us. Instead of a standard dinner, we designed a unique brunch since that’s our favorite meal. Instead of a full bar, we had a bubble bar and then added the Handsome Roasters coffee cart, because coffee (and Handsome, in particular) has been a huge part of our relationship. The table themes were inspired by our adventures together. Our refrigerator at home is covered in photo strips from every booth we’ve ever encountered, so we rented a photo booth. We created encyclopedia entries (a reference to my Match.com profile, where Chase first “met” me), which served as mini story captions to explain the significance of each piece. We really wanted the whole day to be interactive and for our guests to participate in the celebration instead of just sitting down and watching everything happen from their various assigned seats.

Anything else you want to share with other brides about what you learned while planning your wedding?

1. Everyone tells you that your wedding day will go by fast. But it goes by even faster than you imagine when someone tells you how fast it goes. Create an instagram hashtag and encourage your guests to use it- even starting with the beginning of their day leading up to the wedding. There are also tons of apps and websites your guests can use to upload and share their photos and videos. It’s so much fun to go through and re-live your day that way and experience it through your guests’ lenses.
2. Make sure that the two of you are at the heart of everything. This is just one of the hundreds of amazing days you’re going to spend together. It’s really easy to lose that perspective in such an overwhelming process, but that simple reminder always seemed to take a huge amount of pressure off and bring the fun of it back in.
Photography: ART IS FOR LOVERS | Event Design: Pluck | Coordination: WINK! | Caterer: Good Gracious! | Makeup: Carrie Mercado | Venue: Marvimon House | Ice Cream Sandwiches: Chunk N’ Chip | Coffee: Handsome Coffee Roasters | Photo Booth: Mobile Photo Booth | Vintage China & Flatware: Plated In LA | Vintage Ford Bronco Retal: Rocky Roads | Dress Designer: Rosa Clara | Ampersand Marquee: Scott Coppersmith | Bikes: The Wheelhouse | Headpiece: Twigs & Honey