We've been celebrating the launch of the book with the wedding that started it all. That Joy Thigpen crafted to utter pefection and Jose Villa captured in photographs that will make you smile and cry and laugh simultaneously because they are just that beautiful. Rather than take up more of your time when I know you just want to see the goods, we'll just dive right in!

So why did we decide to write this book, you ask? Well...it's simple. Every day we share inspiration. So much inspiration that our own heads are often left spinning. Then you layer on pinterest and magazines and art and movies and fabrics and colors and oh my, the inspiration is almost too much. So we wanted to show you HOW to use that inspiration that you are surrounded by. HOW to piece it apart, to break it down, and to put your own unique style stamp on it. This book may be pretty, but it's also a guide. That will help you brace yourself against the storm of pretty and design a wedding that is uniquely...you.
Style Me Pretty Weddings is on shelves TODAY or you can buy right here!