New York Wedding at Creative Edge DIY Project Tutorials by A.a.B. Creates

We've been oohing and ahhing all afternoon thanks to this pretty little party that just happens to be the wedding of one of the talents behind A.a.B. Creates. It's a New York stunner if we've ever seen one, and when we heard there were a few fabulous DIY's involved, we OBVIOUSLY jumped at the chance to share them with you. So get out your notebook lovelies and get ready to jot down all the steps, these are must try DIY's!

No-Sew Napkin Cuffs
Sometimes a table top would be enhanced by a finishing touch, and in this case, we needed a napkin ring. Not being able to find one that was pre-fab and perfect, AND having a spool of this amazing gold lace ribbon on hand that deserved to be showcased, I decided a couple nights before the wedding to create a napkin "cuff" from the lace.  Any kind of "open work" lace will do, and no sewing is required.

"Open Work" Ribbon
Coordinating Cord (or Fishing Line)
Measuring Tape

1. Each cuff needs about 3.5-4" of ribbon.
2. Cut about 5"-6" of cord per cuff. The length will depend on how much "tail" you want on your finish.
3. Wrap the ribbon around the napkin and, using the openings of the lace as "eyes", weave your cord through the lace in a corset tie.
4. Finish it off with a bow, trim your finish, adjust the positioning of your cuff and flip into place.
Total time per cuff: About 3 minutes

"Brass" Critters
In lieu of table numbers, we used ornamental animals. Guests' escort cards were rubber stamped with a golden animal that corresponded to "brass" animals on each table.  Since actual brass animals were hard to find, we instead bought a bunch of rubber animals online at The Jungle Store. This is a great idea that doesn't need to be done with just BRASS animals or figurines. A high gloss paint in white could create a great "ceramic" effect, or, a great way to add a bright hue or neon to your table top.

Acrylic Metallic Paint (Available at Most Craft Stores)
Rubber Animal Figures
A Crafting Paint Brush
A Paper or Plastic Disposable Plate for Holding Paint

Using your brush, completely coat your animal or figurine with a coat of your acrylic paint. Allow it to dry, and re-coat. 

Hand-Sewn Ribbon Wall
A ribbon wall is a great way to either create a backdrop for something like your cake or escort card display (as we did for Mayra) OR to mask an ugly wall or area at your event venue. They are a little time-consuming to make when done by hand (without a machine), but well worth it.

For a 5' wide piece of wall that hangs about 4' high, you will need: 3 Spools of 100 yard ribbons (one of which should be a grosgrain)
4 Spools of 25 Yards of "specialty Ribbon"
20 yards of assorted "specialty" ribbons
Needle and Thread
Fabric Glue

1. Cut two pieces of Grosgrain ribbon as WIDE as you want your wall to be. Set one aside.
2. Cut your ribbons into lengths about as tall as you want your wall to be.  Cut them an organize them into like piles of ribbon to make "sorting" them easier.
3. Position your ribbon behind the "base" ribbon, and tack into place with a series of simple stitches.
4. When you are done attaching your ribbons, take your fabric glue and extra length of grosgrain ribbon.  Glue the extra piece over the messy stitching.

Tutorials: Mayra + Xochitl of A.a.B. Creates / Photography by: Heather Waraksa + Dave Robbins Photography