Denver Art Museum Wedding from Chad Morgan Photography

Every day here at SMP, we ooh and ahh over beautiful brides, stunning weddings, and adorable little flower girls. But one thing we also do on the regular is tear up. Whether it is caused by a stunning wedding film, a look that groom gives his bride the second he sees her the first time in her gown, or a story the couple or one of their lovely vendors share with us. This Denver wedding is the joining of two very special, very strong people. Chad Morgan Photography not only captured it exceptionally, but also captured the true meaning of the event in his write up of the affair. Make sure to save some time to read about this stunning couple, and make sure to have a box of tissues on hand. Click here for more!

Denver Art Museum Wedding

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From Chad Morgan Photography ... When I met Jon and Jenette last year, the three of us had an immediate bond. Conversation was easy, full of laughter, and authenticity…we all got each other. I was 40 minutes late to our initial meeting (something that never happens), and they didn’t seem to mind. Of course, I apologized profusely, and they felt my sincerity, understood, and quickly forgave me. Nevertheless, I walked out of there feeling like I had made new friends…and I have.

A couple months later, I got a call from Joanna (planner) with some upsetting and scary news: Jenette had been diagnosed with breast cancer, was going to have a double-mastectomy, and an intense and aggressive regimen of chemo. My heart sank. My wife has MS. So, I understand the pain, struggle, and heartache that comes along with a diagnosis. My initial thoughts were with Jenette and the life-changing events set before her, mentally and physically.

And then, I thought of Jon. On a personal level, know what it’s like to be the support system, and what it means to have the love of your life threatened with an illness, or disease. Nothing about their journey was going to be easy.

The wedding was moved from June to August, we shot their engagement the very next week after Joanna’s call (before she started chemo), and I kept them in my thoughts and close to my heart, checking in every so often to see how they were doing, and if I could help in any way. I could definitely tell things were getting tougher as the treatments got more intense. But never did their resolve lessen. Seeing Jenette and Jon on their wedding day, made me…a little misty.

When I saw Jenette a few weeks ago getting her makeup and hair done, I told her I was proud of her. And I am. Her smile was new and powerful. Jon, too, seemed “grown up.” They had a new confidence in each other, and a new outlook on their life. It was palpable…and amazing.

I’m so, so honored to have been a part of their wedding. I’m also grateful to give Jenette and Jon these images that will allow them to remember their wedding, and all of the wonderful friends and family that surrounded them.

Planner & Florist: Joanna Bailey Weddings / Venue: Denver Art Museum / Photography: Chad Morgan Photography / Second Photographer: Amanda Forbes