Newlywish and WWRD Tastemaker Event + Sweepstakes Reminder!

We very rarely tear ourselves away from our computer to hit up NYC's finest but we managed to do just that for last night's Newlywish + Waterford, Wedgwood and Royal Doulton celebration where wedding pros like yours truly, Marcy Blum, Mark Ingram, Ceci Johnson, Xochitl Gonzalez & Mayra Castillo, plus Jorge Pérez and Lord Wedgwood curated a mix and match collection of what has now been given our namesake. Each available exclusively through Newlywish. The coolest registry brand ever.

Here's a quick peek into the SMP collection and a few behind the scenes shot by Allan Zepeda from the fabulous event. But before we go, don't forget to enter their big $4,500 sweepstakes!

Above: Abby Larson + Lord Wedgwood

Above: The SMP Collection for Newlywish + WWRD

Above, Top Left: Ron Ben-Israel, cake designer extraordinaire and WWRD's Jorge Pérez / Above Center (left to right): SMP's Erin Lepperd, Abby Larson + Xochitl of Always a Bridesmaid + Amanda Allan of Newlywish + Marcy Blum

photos by Allan Zepeda, flowers by Melarosa and sparkling wine by Chandon

A huge thank you to Amanda and Robard of Newlywish, along with the fabulous team at WWRD for hosting such a fun project and such a beautiful celebration. While we were there we managed to score a guest blog by one of WWRD's most renowned experts, Jorge Pérez, who we're hoping will share the beautifully creative ways that he incorporates fine china into his every day life. He is pure genius and I can't wait to have him here! And of course, to Lord Wedgwood who has made all of my crystal dreams come true. XOXO.