That gorgeous cake is from the delish Cake Coquette.

Rachna is originally from the San Fransico Bay area and attended medical school at Drexel University in Philadelphia. I am from Philadelphia, and was completing my medical internship at Drexel University at the same time Rachna was a senior. We crossed paths at Hahnemann Hospital where we both rotated to treat patients. This is when I began to “notice” Rachna and developed a crush on her.
I proposed to Rachna in October of 2009 in New Orleans, on Diwali, in a well known french quarter restaurant. When I crouched on one knee to propose and give Rachna her ring, it slipped out of my hand and rolled through the restaurant—requiring me to crawl on all fours to catch it! Later in the evening, some sincere neighboring diners approached me to ask, “I really enjoyed that magic trick you did under the table with the ring—how did you do that?" My reply was “There was no magic, only gravity!” To this Rachna said, “This is so us. I wouldn’t have had it any other way!"
Our wedding was namely that of a traditional Hindu wedding. However, I am Jewish by background. Thus, our marriage is multicultural, although both religions have many core similarities. Therefore, to add some multicultural aspects to the wedding, we decided to step on a glass at the conclusion of the Hindu ceremony. Stepping on a glass at the end of a wedding ceremony is a Jewish tradition - it is meant to bring good luck to the newly weds.
My most vivid wedding day memory was our first dance after our entrance into the reception. Although we were surrounded by family and friends, I felt Rachna and I could have danced freely for hours without any worries or cares. I was so incredibly awestruck by how beautiful Rachna looked!
Rachna and I are both physicians (Rachna is an OBGYN, and I am an Anesthesiologist) who believe that high quality medical care should be provided to all people, in all nations, regardless of socio-economic status. Therefore, we made gift donations in our guests’ honor to Doctor’s Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). MSF is a medical humanitarian organization which provides free medical care around the world to patients in countries in desperate need of medical attention.

Photography and Cinematography: Studio Nine / Event Design: Asiel Designs / Event Planning: Sonal J Shah Events / Ceremony Location: Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay / Reception Location: Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay / Shoes: Jimmy Choo / DJ: DJ Raj, Sound Nation / Cake: Cake Coquette / Hair and Makeup: Armando, Get Your Do Up!