Gift Wrapping Inspiration from Grey Likes Weddings

This is possibly the most gorgeous feature ever. I am always head over heels for anything that Summer of Grey Likes Weddings does, but this one just might take the cake. She's put together some of the most lovely holiday gift wrap inspirations you've ever seen and aside from being perfect for the coming weeks, they are also pretty incredible ways to package up wedding favors. Oh and not to fret...we are including some awesome holiday tags that you can download, as well as a super cute DIY project a little later today.

grey likes weddings

holiday diy project

grey likes weddings

The ADORABLE little tags that are gracing the packages can actually be downloaded right here. MaeMae Paperie is the talent behind the little gems and we couldn't be happier to share. Just print them out on 80 lb card stock (that can be found at your local office store or at Paper Source) and voila. A simple package turned total gorgeousness.

The photographs were snapped by Jenny Liu, who we love, and the Calligraphy was done by Victoria Hoke Lane of Calligraphos Ink. SUCH a talented little team of vendors and lucky for us, the fun isn't over yet. We have lots more from the shoot coming up next.