Style Circle Guru!

It's that time again...time to feature one of our oh-so-fabulous Style Circle bloggers. We are on a hunt for a new voice on Style Me Pretty and we're looking to the circle for all of the talent! So for those of you that are interested in getting some play on SMP, make sure to start putting out really fun, original blogs over on the Style Circle!

I love, love, love what Alexandria is doing...with her ridiculously adorable inspiration boards AND her so fun to read blog!

The Cute factor...

Credits: Brides (2), Martha Stewart weddings (2), Jeffrey &Julia Woods: Ashley & Andrew (2), Jeff & Julia Woods, little lady lost (2), Jose Villa Photography (2), Jose Villa, Jose Villa - Rehearsal Dinner

Alexandria has the greatest sense of style, full of whimsy and charm, and really takes the time to articulate her vision. I've loved reading her blog and always look forward to what she's going to do next. Definitely worth a trip over to the Style Circle to read what this Style Guru is saying!