I really do love Aaron and Jen Delesie. They are on the short list of my very favorite photographers. And, it seems like everything they send me goes up on the blog...it's just always a no brainer. Aside from the fact that they get to work with designers like Lisa Vorce, they have a style that is all their own, a sense of effortless perfection that I fall in love with time and time again.
So, when they sent me today's rehearsal...which is actually the rehearsal dinner for one of my favorite weddings on SMP...I jumped at the chance to put it up. And, the brilliantly talented Curtis Heyne has put together a video of the day, which made me even happier.
Plus, I am totally convinced that this rehearsal would make for a pretty awesome wedding. At least one that I would kill to attend! So laid back, so festive. And really, really beautiful. The food alone made me a little jealous!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Aaron for sending this my way! I am totally convinced that this is the best rehearsal I have ever seen. It's making this dreary day in Boston so much brighter. Oh, and don't fret readers, it isn't over yet. Curtis Heyne of Living Cinema is up next with the most beautiful video of the day...it's absolutely spectacular.