DIY Centerpiece by Amelia Occassions

Thought we could start the day with another absolutely brilliant DIY centerpiece idea. This one sent to us by the oh-so-lovely Leana Gallagher of Amelia Occasions, departs a bit from the traditional floral centerpieces that we see so often. And I love that it does. It's such a refreshing change, perfect for a simple, intimate affair set against a crisp white table runner and served with really good red wine. LOVE.

amelia occasions DIY

From Leana...

Staying Green, going local, and economizing, Perfect Pear Catering Company in Jacksonville, FL and I (Amelia Occasions, in Amelia Island, FL) came up with this easy and useful centerpiece – the Mediterranean display!

We took fresh baguettes, ficelle, grissini, topped with sea salt, pepper and rosemary, and placed them in a basket decoratively.  We surrounded them with white bean dip, pesto and some fresh herbs. Voila! Not a traditional centerpiece, but it is fresh, simple, eco friendly, and useful!

Total cost would be around $15 - $25 depending on the breads and dips selected.

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Leana is one of those planners that if you are lucky enough to have in the area, you should book asap. She is a complete talent and always has her eye on elegance and style. Plus, she's throwing Boston's upcoming luxury showcase at the Commandant's House where yours truly will be attending, so I love her that much more!

And, if you need a little refresher, click here to see the fabulous coke bottle inspired DIY that Jubilee Events crafted and the shabby chic DIY centerpiece that Custom Event Group put together.