From Leana...
Staying Green, going local, and economizing, Perfect Pear Catering Company in Jacksonville, FL and I (Amelia Occasions, in Amelia Island, FL) came up with this easy and useful centerpiece – the Mediterranean display!
We took fresh baguettes, ficelle, grissini, topped with sea salt, pepper and rosemary, and placed them in a basket decoratively. We surrounded them with white bean dip, pesto and some fresh herbs. Voila! Not a traditional centerpiece, but it is fresh, simple, eco friendly, and useful!
Total cost would be around $15 - $25 depending on the breads and dips selected.
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Leana is one of those planners that if you are lucky enough to have in the area, you should book asap. She is a complete talent and always has her eye on elegance and style. Plus, she's throwing Boston's upcoming luxury showcase at the Commandant's House where yours truly will be attending, so I love her that much more!
And, if you need a little refresher, click here to see the fabulous coke bottle inspired DIY that Jubilee Events crafted and the shabby chic DIY centerpiece that Custom Event Group put together.