A Florida Romance: Two Sides To Every Story
Arden's Version It was just another Friday night and she was tired. Not much in the mood to go out, but Marianne twisted her arm. They ended up at Finn McCool's on the beach. In one of those Gray's Anatomy-like scenes ... two hot guys enter the bar and eyes lock. But lo and behold, only one of the guys is available. That's OK with Arden. It was the other one she was looking at, anyway.
Dave's Version Friday afternoon, his friend Trip called. Trip's wife's friend was in town ... she gave him the go ahead to get out. Dave was beat and wasn't much in the mood, but finally agreed and they ended up at Finn McCool's. The moment they walked into the bar, this amazing girl gave him, the look. According to Dave, whether Arden knew it or not, she'd been waiting for him.
The Next Day
Arden's Version She awoke to a text message asking when he could see her next.
Dave's Version "I sent Arden a text at the end of the night wishing her sweet dreams, so she had my number. Knowing she had landed a keeper, she called me first thing the next morning and invited me to a barbecue. I accepted [picked 'em up in my BMW M-Series]... met her friends... I turned on the charm and the deal was closed."
Arden's Version "As the sun went down, we weren't ready to say goodbye. I was head over heels in love with Dave and never wanted to be without him again."
Dave's Version "Somehow, after a few dates and walks on the beach, I found myself consumed with the thought of this girl. She continued (and continues) to amaze, and it wasn't long before I knew that, when it was all said and done, 'I' was the one who was truly fortunate."
The Proposal
Dave and Arden's Version A random Thursday night. Dave had done his homework, had worked with a friend in NY to have Arden's ring designed. Carried it around for a couple of months trying to figure out how to actually propose. He had been teasing her about popping the question for a couple of weeks and she finally told him to cut it out. On this particular Thursday night, when the sweet-talking started, she was cooking salmon. She began to sweat and asked him to stop. In the middle of the kitchen, he dropped to one knee, said it was real and pulled the ring from his pocket. "Her eyes as big as saucers, I slid the ring on her finger and asked for her hand in marriage. She never really said 'yes'. She just smiled big and goofy and joined me on the floor of the kitchen."
The Wedding
from Arden ..."The morning of our wedding, I stepped outside the balcony of my hotel room and could not have asked for a more perfect blue sky. The day flew by and before I knew it, I was in my dress ... standing at the end of the aisle with my father. As the music played, he gave me away to the love of my life. Dave and I took our vows. I was married to the man of my dreams."
Doesn't get any better than this! Congratulations and thank you, Arden & Dave, for sharing your love story with all of us at Style Me Pretty!
{To see the full gallery, click here!}
A huge thanks to Agnes Lopez, one of our great Little Black Book members, photographing weddings in Ponte Vedra Beach, Amelia Island, St. Augustine, Jacksonville, and Georgia's Golden Coast. Agnes is an amazing wedding photographer... take a look back at Christienne & Justin's wedding {Old World Elegance} on Style Me Pretty.
And more from her blog: Arjola and Peter's Wedding
The Jacksonville Luxury Living spread ...
Agnes' commercial website, POSE WELL studios featuring Little Black Book member, Etiquette of Chocolate (mmmmm........)
Agnes Lopez rocks!