Wedding Invitation Trends by Ceci NY, II

This next invitation suite that Lisa Hoffman of Ceci New York crafted is my's so completely unique and original. I haven't ever seen anything like it!

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This invitation is a charming birdcage branch design executed in really unexpected, brilliant colors. There were three levels of reveal on this invitation design - the purple birdcage sleeve, the orange bird branch belly band and then the invitation. I love the transition from bright intense color to elegant white and soft grays.

lisa hoffman

The birdcage door even opened to reveal the bird peeking through!

lisa hoffman

We featured a laser cut band delicately wrapped around the invitation, as well. I love mixing hand calligraphy with block fonts- perfect mix of classic with modern elegance. The theme carried throughout the remainder of the wedding suite - even her custom stamps!

lisa hoffman

Stay tuned for Lisa's tips on ordering your own wedding invitations...the process can be tricky, so it's great to hear the best approach straight from the horse's mouth!