DIY Project - Custom Aisle Runner

We have so many more fun DIY projects to share with you over the coming days. I hope you guys are loving this week as much as I am!

This lovely aisle runner was totally custom made...a great way to conceal a not-so-pretty church carpet and a wonderful keepsake for you to remember your day!

DIY Aisle Runner


White Muslin
Stencil of your choice
Acrylic Craft Paint
Easy Hem Adhesive


1. Purchased white muslin that measured 45” wide.  I used a bolt, but purchases as many yards to create the length you want.

2. Layout the muslin and iron flat the section you wish to do the logo.  I placed mine toward the bottom of the aisle runner.

3. I purchased the stencil from Hobby Lobby.  Arrange the stencil so that you will be able to fit two of them angled where the ends almost touch.

4. Complete the circle by rotating the stencil around four times.

5. For the initials, create your layout on the computer and print it.  Place the paper under the fabric centered in the circle.  You will be able to see the initials through the fabric.  Trace the initials with paint.  I used acrylic craft paint.  Do the same thing for the date.

6. The edges of the muslin are already serged all you have to do is serge or hem the top and bottom of the muslin.

After our wedding, I cut the logo from the aisle runner to create a wall hanging.  I left enough room at the top and bottom to create a 2” hem.  Leave the ends open so that you can stick a curtain rod through.