Unique Wedding Week

I am absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of our Unique Weddings Week. We've enlisted the help of our Little Black Book members, along with our loyal readers, to help us come up with some of the most innovative, personality-filled affairs. They are budgets large and small (and everything in between), they are quirky and they are sophisticated, they are fun, they are filled with unique touches and they aren't afraid to cross the boundaries of a traditional wedding.

Thank you so much to everyone who sent us these real weddings to devour!

The first comes from Erin of Erin Beach Photography. It's her all-time favorite wedding and I am sure that it will quickly become one of yours...


Erin has shared a few of the fun details that this couple infused into their wedding...

* The bride (Melody Drummond) wore a striking orange dress complete with an orange hat topped by a hand-made orange bird.

* The groom's father hand carved the cake toppers in the likeness of the bride and groom (Nathaniel Hansen).

* Important family members wore gorgeous floral jewelry accents made by Waterlily Pond (a Little Black Book member!)

* The bride made the groom's boutonniere with feathers.

* The wedding itself took place at the highest private residence in Napa, California, The Tawantan, with 60 guests from all over the country.

This wedding is so beautiful and so different from your mainstream weddings. That orange dress is quirky and yet the bride pulls it off with an elegance and a sense of sophistication that I just love. Thank you so much, Erin, for sharing with us!