Do-It-Yourself Wedding Projects

These Luggage Tag Save the Dates are the cutest things I have ever seen...


To Make DIY Luggage Tags:

These luggage tags were backed with white linen and tied with gold and pink taffeta ribbon. I used sheets of watercolor paper which had a lovely textured surface and I printed A4 sheets with 9 cards on each, designing the layout in photoshop. I cut each card to a luggage tag shape before spreading a very fine layer of PVA glue on the back, making sure that every inch of the card was covered to avoid getting any air bubbles, then laying them onto sheets of white linen. Once the glue had dried I cut around them, punched a hole in the shaped end using a hole punch then added an eyelet through which I could tie the ribbon. Adding the eyelets was the most difficult part as they require some serious banging with a hammer and I kept hitting my fingers!

Then I popped them in envelopes and sent them off!

All of the materials I used were very basic and available from any arts and crafts shop - watercolour paper, linen (or any fabric you want), ribbon, metal eyelets, PVA glue + glue spreader, scissors and envelopes to fit. The cards were a bit fiddly and time consuming but looked gorgeous when they were finished and have received loads of compliments which made them worth the hours of work!


How clever are these dress form place cards, inspired by a vintage clothing display...just goes to show, creativity and inspiration can come from so many different places!


To Make the Fashion Inspired Place Cards...

All I did was find some vintage fashion illustrations and ads, mostly on Flickr. I used Photoshop to crop out any background noise, but mostly I chose ladies with clean white backgrounds so this wasn't necessary.

I printed them on heavy paper and cut each lady out with an x-acto knife, cutting a tab at the bottom. I then cut strips of red card stock, glued them into a circle, and cut a slit across them to mount the ladies.

I used stencils to draw and cut out the numbers (again with an x-acto knife), and glued these to some bamboo skewers, cut to size with wire cutters. I glued these to the ladies and voila!

Paper was from Paper Source: Tacky glue, x-acto knife, and stencils from any art/craft supply Images from Flickr: