A Cake Gallery

Sadly, this post has made me gain exactly 3 pounds...in one sitting. But, it was worth it. These cakes are so over-the-top gorgeous, they just might make you jump in your car and head to the nearest bakery.

Oh-So-Cute Cakes...


Chic, Architectural Cakes...


Tradition with a Twist Cakes...


Precious Mini Cakes...


Print and Patterned Cake...


These are not just cakes..they are art! Take a few moments to browse the gorgeous sites of the above cake makers...

Cute Cakes - Top Row: First two by Lovin Sullivan, third by Brides; Bottom Row: Flower Girl Bakery, Lovin Sullivan and Cute Overload

Chic Cakes - Top Row: Jan Kish, Collette Foley, and Brides; Bottom Row: April Reed

Traditional Cakes - Top Row: Alice's Tea Cup, Collette Foley, Lovin Sullivan; Bottom Row: Carlo's Bakery, Confetti Cakes, Cheryl Kleinman

Mini Cakes - Top Row: Alice's Teacup, Colette Foley, Cheryl Kleinman; Bottom Row: Cheryl Kleinman, Alice's Tea Cup, Little Venice Cake Company

Print & Patterned Cakes - Top Row: Maisie Fantaisie, Lovin Sullivan, Lovin Sullivan; Bottom Row: Confetti Cakes, Margaret Braun, Brides